Nine Types of Gymnastics Classes For Kids

Recently, the eyes of the world were drawn to the US gymnastics team as they competed in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Gymnastics has always been one of the most popular events of the Olympics. Most people's only exposure to the field of gymnastics comes once every four years during the summer. Therefore, most people think of gymnastics in terms of floor routines, vault, parallel bars, uneven bars, and balance beam routines. While these disciplines form the foundation of competitive gymnastics, they are not the only styles available. There is a vast variety of subcategories within the umbrella of gymnastics. This list aims to provide a guide to all the types of gymnastics, from familiar to obscure, that can be taught to kids. If your child has been tuned into the Olympic Games and has taken an interest in gymnastics, then we can help you find the best fit for their needs and abilities.

  • Artistic- This is the type of gymnastics that your child will see practiced at the OlympicsIt consist of various types of routines which include:

    • Floor Routines- Performed, as you would expect, on the floor, with no props or aids, these routines are typically set to music. 

    • Vault- Kids will often begin learning tricks with the aid of a vault before graduating to floor, bar, and beam exercises.

    • Uneven and Parallel Bars- Girls will use uneven bars to swing, twist, and flip through the air, while boys will learn parallel to exhibit their upper body strength.

    • Balance Beam- Your child will start with a very low beam which will gradually increase in height as their balance increases. 

In artistic gymnastics, your child learns routines with a view to competing in front of judges. They will strive to improve their scores, which are based on skill, technique, and artistry. 

  • Rhythmic- This discipline also shows up in the Olympic events. It uses props like ribbons and hoops to enhance the beauty of the movement. If your child loves music as well as building their strength and flexibility, consider enrolling them in a rhythmic gymnastics class, as the routines always feature music as an important component! . 

  • Trampoline- This discipline is a recent arrival to the party, and is challenging enough that we would recommend it to older kids with more experience and more fully developed motor skills. Kids will use their existing balance and coordination skills to reach new and exciting heights! 

  • Tumbling- A major foundation of gymnastics is your child’s ability to invert themselves, or turn upside-down. The best way to get them used to this early on is to enroll them in a tumbling class where they’ll learn basics such as cartwheels and somersaults. Eventually they’ll work up to roundoffs and handsprings! Your child will learn tricks in brief combinations known as “passes”, and if they ever take an interest in cheerleading, their tumbling knowledge will come in handy.

  • Acrobatics- Has your child ever threatened to run away and join the circus? Maybe consider enrolling them in acrobatics classes instead! An excellent starter for circus-crazy kids, this discipline requires teamwork. It uses no props, only the body weight of the 3-4 acrobats in the team!  

  • Aerobic- If you want your child to focus on fitness while still having fun and learning new physical skills, aerobic gymnastics may be the solution! This type of gymnastics uses one-to-two-minute routines to elevate the heart rate while teaching gymnastics fundamentals! 

  • Parkour- Parkour gets a bad rap for being dangerous and risky, but there are actually classes where your child can learn this burgeoning school of gymnastics in a safe environment. It is recommended, however, that your child wear safety equipment and have an existing foundation in gymnastics before starting, to lower the risk of injury. Parkour is all about navigating obstacles creatively, and can seriously improve your kid’s cognitive skills as well as their physical health and fitness.

If your child shows an interest in any of these types of gymnastics, why not check out gymnastics classes on today? 


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